Mark Dion’s Virginia Curiosity Shop
Virginia Curiosity Shop, a Mark Dion Project for the University of Virginia UVA Arts | January 24, 2017 "The Virginia Curiosity Shop is a …
Virginia Curiosity Shop, a Mark Dion Project for the University of Virginia
UVA Arts | January 24, 2017
“The Virginia Curiosity Shop is a large-scale temporary public artwork sited on the Arts Grounds of the University of Virginia. The work consists of an impeccably crafted, aged vernacular structure that gives the impression of having been located on the site for decades. The modest building, resembling countless structures dotting the rural landscape of the state, appears as an orphaned vestigial building miraculously untouched by the modern era. With its diminutive stature, tin roof, multi-paned windows and weathered gray siding, the building appears humble and charming. Nothing on the exterior prepares visitors for the visual feast they will encounter when they peer through its low windows and ascend the porch to its viewing vestibule to see the building’s interior. The vision of the interior greeting the public is one of shocking material excess, wonder, and beauty…”
READ MOREA Cabin of Curiosities
UVA Today | Caroline Newman | May 3, 2017
“Inspired by the Renaissance tradition of the ‘cabinet of curiosities,’ artist-in-residence Mark Dion has created a tiny, fascinating museum right here on Grounds.
You might have noticed a new addition to the University of Virginia’s Arts Grounds.
Situated just off Culbreth Road, near Ruffin Hall, the nondescript exterior of the small wooden cabin belies a treasure trove of art inside, all created or found by Ruffin Distinguished Artist-in-Residence Mark Dion…”
Mark Dion’s Virginia Curiosity Shop
UVA Arts Magazine, Vol 6 Spring ’17 | Spring 2017
“The richest new building on the Grounds will never be home to a single lecture, public performance or athletic event. It is distinguished mostly by its ordinariness, will never bear a donor’s name, and will someday in the not-too-distant future be gone without a single trace. The Virginia Curiosity Shop is a large-scale temporary public artwork on the Betsy and John Casteen Arts Grounds whose plain exterior is contrasted by a visual feast viewed from outside-in –a seemingly haphazard antique shop-style display of incongruous and marvelous items spread across cupboards, shelves, tabletops, pedestals and trunks…”
FINISH READING‘Virginia Curiosity Shop’ unveiled at the University of Virginia
CBS19 Newsplex | April 28, 2017
“Famed artist Mark Dion has been working on the project for the past year, and it was opened to the public at the Culbreth Theater on Grounds.
Dion says the inspiration came from peeking into small country stores across the state, filled with small items people have always wanted.
He brought that dream alive and says he wants people to create, design, and wonder…”
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