Nov 7, 2016

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA – October 24, 2016 – The University of Virginia’s Department of Drama will present Anne Washburn’s critically acclaimed Mr. Burns, a post-electric play. Directed by UVA Drama’s

Cady Garey, Mr. Burns asks us to imagine how we would find food and shelter (and remain safe) and how social norms would be re-established if we were one of the “lucky” ones to survive an apocalypse.

Mr. Burns, a post-electric play will be presented at the Ruth Caplin Theatre on November 10-12 and November 16-19 at 8pm.

Tickets are $14.00 for adults, $12.00 for UVA faculty, staff, and UVA Alumni Association members, and $8.00 for students. They are currently available online at, by calling 434-924-3376, or in-person from noon until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at the UVA Arts Box Office, located in the lobby of the Drama building. Full-time UVA students may receive one free ticket if reserved at least 24 hours in advance of their desired show date.

Garey was drawn to this play because of how central storytelling is to the survival of these people. “In this post-apocalyptic tale, playwright Anne Washburn, looks beyond the question of WHAT has happened to end life as we know it and instead asks: how will we survive as a community, and the answer is storytelling,” Garey said. The audience travels through time with this community from shortly after the electrical grid fails and the journey reveals the society they have become by the retelling of a remembered storyline from an episode of The Simpsons. “When I saw the play,” Garey said, “I felt like I had been hit by a bus, but it was a good bus!”

Although this play contains adult language and scenes of violence, it also abounds with humor and music. Free parking for all UVA Drama performances is available at the Culbreth Road Parking Garage, conveniently located alongside the theaters.

For more information on the production, visit