Arts Administration needs to take a couple of steps toward consolidating its success and growth since inauguration in 2005-’06. The 2019-2020 proposed funding will be divided into three parts:
1) the 2nd year in a continuing trial for re-granting $500 per student to assist costs toward their DMP process in 4th Year. The cost of this portion, with 5 rising 4th Year students, is $2,500.
2) a new pilot to test and ascertain the viability of a post-baccalaureate 5th-Year program for at least one Arts Administration student, modeled on the Aunspaugh Fellows program in Studio Art.The cost of this will be $5,000. The duties of this 5th Year student will be jointly developed in this pilot year. One possible example would be a marketing fellowship with the nearby Town of Scottsville.
3) a second pilot initiative has been suggested by Wayne Cozart, Executive Director and SeniorAdvisor of the Jefferson Trust, responding to an Arts Admin classroom initiative for an organizedAlumni Interest Group of Arts Administration alumnae within the Alumni Association. The cost of this portion will be $2,500. Mr. Cozart has suggested that Arts Admin approach the Jefferson Trust for a two-year grant. The Arts Council funding would jump-start the larger project by providing funding for an intern this summer to plan and draft this proposed Jefferson Trust proposal, and if not that, then create a trial launch of such an organization. If the Trust proposal of next fall is unsuccessful, Council funds will be matched from private sources and will still be used for the interest group’s pilot year.
The 2019-20 proposal was divided into three parts
1) $2,500 was requested and granted to continue for one more year a trial 4th Year DMP Thesis assistance fund of $500 each for the five Class of 2020 DMP students. This money has been maintained and is available for 4th Year students just as they enter the final stretch of researching, writing and printing their Theses. As this is intended for late-phase activity as listed above, it is too soon to give a final-dollar report on 2020 use. Last year however (2018-19), there was a wide variance in use. One student used every penny of the $500 as research support investigating his Thesis on two contrasting “music cities,” Nashville and Atlanta. Others used part of the money to cover printing costs, while another used very little as she accessed free printing and binding services provided by her undergraduate school (not Arts & Sciences). All unspent money remains in place for the stated purpose. This is valuable for students so any remaining funds will roll-over.
2) $5,000 was granted for a pilot post-baccalaureate internship program which could extend ArtsAdmin’s normal undergrad internships into the surrounding communities, like Scottsville. This is exactly what has evolved, although there were unanticipated issues of timing in setting this up. It took a while for a student to volunteer. The Town of Scottsville required time to organize such that an intern could be placed. Yet beginning in January, 2020, 4th Year DMP student Eleanor Smith became the first paid intern at the Scottsville Center for Arts and the Natural Environment (SCAN). Her report and account follows:”My internship with SCAN started in January with a meeting with Erin Root, the President. We discussed and prioritized my responsibilities, which include but are not limited to assisting the Program Director, researching, helping install exhibitions, grant writing, and improving the website. I have been commuting to Scottsville once a week to help with the most recent exhibition. Currently, I am researching available grants and starting to compile the needed resources. Additionally, I am creating a presentation on the research of other contemporary community arts programs world-wide that I will present at the next SCAN board meeting. I feel as though my work is greatly appreciated since there is a very limited number of volunteers at SCAN. Running an organization like this is very new to Erin since she recently just became President. She asks and values my opinions on things which has given me a great sense of authority and responsibility. SCAN has great potential and we are working together to further develop it.”
The granted financial support remains in place to extend this trial period into the summer and beyond. Of the original, $2,500 has been allocated to Eleanor and the rest will be parceled out over the months ahead. Eleanor herself is not expected to remain in this post after she graduates in May, 2020. Yet now established by the pilot Council support, this relationship with SCAN opens another ongoing Community Service Internship opportunity for Arts Admin students. (Existing Community Service internships have established longevity, including: 1) ARAD Office Intern – 6 occupants over 12 years; 2) Writer House Gallery Director/Curator intern – 6 occupants over 10 years; 3) McIntire Art Committee (MAC) interns – 8 occupants over 8 years; 4) C-ville Jazz Society Intern – 4 occupants over 9 years.) All help the University be reflected well in our community.
3) $2,500 pilot funding to establish an ARAD Alumnae Interest Group within the UVA Alumnae Association framework. The funding remains in place while the organization forms. (The Jefferson Trust funding mentioned in the 2019 Proposal was not forthcoming.) Alumna Elise Herget (’12) has agreed to be the initial Chair of the organization and she and I are working in Spring of 2020 on mission, organizational structure and membership, with the first events anticipated in summer 2020.
By purpose as described above:
1) There are 21 Arts Admin DMP Majors – thus far – touched by this grant, assuming funding remains available from 2019 – the original year, to 2022 – the youngest current Major cohort.
2) The SCAN pilot program funding has had one student recipient thus far, but the Community Service Internship it establishes could have a major impact on future students, the University-community outreach initiatives of President Ryan, and the entire community of Scottsville, VA.
3) The Alumnae Interest Group population to be served is indicated by the current List-Serv of internship & job opportunities. A weekly roster of opportunities is sent to current students and Arts Admin alumnae each Wednesday. The current number of recipients is 1,839 individuals, located on 5 continents.
The original grant purpose, “steps toward consolidatingsuccessand growth” has been achieved and done so in an ongoing fashion which will extend into the future. The 4th Year DMP Fund will likely support students through the 2022 year. The Scottsville internship appears to have struck a rich vein of opportunity for both students and Scottsville and will last into the 2021 year at least. The Alumnae Interest Group could have significant impact on all who are or have been involved in the Arts Admin community for years to come.
All three elements are on the path to achieve the grant purpose, which is a process rather than a discrete product. The process has found success thus far and that will likely grow and continue.
The Arts Council provides advocacy, advice, and support in the Arts at the University of Virginia. It strives to develop and strengthen the bonds of interest and participation among the Arts Departments, their associated programs, and their alumni and friends; to advocate on their behalf; to advise and assist with communications; and to help raise funds in support of academic programs, facilities, and special events. Among its multitude of arts advocacy efforts, the Council awards annual Arts Council Grants. These grants have, and continue to play an instrumental role in a number of residencies, workshops, project and research-based endeavors proposed across Arts Grounds annually. This series of articles will highlight each funded project and serve to inform the UVA community of their unique timelines, progress and outcome reports.
See all 2019-2020 Arts Council Grants Awarded