Sep 19, 2018
Arts Council, Studio Art

This Arts Council-funded Project is entitled ‘Ruffin Hall Exhibition Openings.’ The project was proposed by Lydia Moyer, Interim Director of Studio Art

Each year the Department of Art hosts four faculty curated exhibitions in the Ruffin Gallery between August and March. April and May the space features 4th year student exhibitions. Student or alumni work is exhibited May to June. This request is to support the four curated exhibitions and alumni exhibition openings that are open to the UVA and Charlottesville community free of charge.

Over 150 enrolled UVA students and their friends attend each faculty curated exhibition opening, in addition studio art majors and class participants engage with the guest artists’ during department sponsored lectures, in-class discussions, and critics.

The Ruffin Gallery openings are one of the most successful means of uniting the Charlottesville and University artist community. Many community-scholars also participate in our classes and often exhibit their works during the scheduled Ruffin Gallery exhibitions.

Every year the Ruffin Gallery features faculty work or outside artists of prominent stature, and current student creative across a wide range is disciplines. Supporting hands-on instruction and learning balances the research based teaching of the University.

The goal is to continue to provide public free opportunities for faculty, students, and the community to interact and discuss creative ideas and methods.

The Arts Council provides advocacy, advice, and support in the Arts at the University of Virginia. It strives to develop and strengthen the bonds of interest and participation among the Arts Departments, their associated programs,  and their alumni and friends; to advocate on their behalf; to advise and assist with communications; and to help raise funds in support of academic programs, facilities, and special events. Among its multitude of arts advocacy efforts, the Council awards annual Arts Council Grants. These grants have, and continue to play an instrumental role in a number of  residencies, workshops, project and research-based endeavors proposed across Arts Grounds annually. This series of articles will highlight each funded project and serve to inform the UVA community of their unique timelines, progress and outcome reports.

See all 2018-2019 Arts Council Grants Awarded Arts Council Logo