The Arts Council provides advocacy, advice, and support in the Arts at the University of Virginia.
Request for Proposals
Call for Proposals: February 2021
Application Deadline: Sunday, March 14, 2021
Notification Deadline: May 2021
Funding Provided: Following Notification Deadline
Request Forms: Email Emma, Programs & Communication Director for UVA Arts
Proposal Form | Arts Council Information | Grants Awarded
In addition to following the grant guidelines provided below, please be sure to fill out the necessary forms. Please note that the Arts Council Annual Fund Grants are not to be considered part of any department’s budget. Projects that are successful and have been funded for consecutive years, may be encouraged to also seek other more predictable funding. Please be sure to include the Arts Council logo in your publications related to any Art Council funded projects.
- As of 2014, the following are eligible to apply for grants: Departments and programs within the departments of Art, Drama including Dance and Heritage Theater Festival, Media Studies, the Virginia Film Festival, English, including Creative Writing, and Music, including the Marching Band; the School of Architecture; the Miller Arts Scholars Program; the Fiske Kimball Fine Arts Library; the Music Library; WTJU; The Fralin Museum of Art and the Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection and discretionary funds to the Vice Provost for the Arts, which may be off cycle.
- Annual Fund Grants will be made once per year, in the spring for the following academic year. A Request for Proposals will be sent in the fall semester and decisions finalized at the spring meeting of the Arts Council. Funding decisions are dependent upon the monies available in a given year.
- Grants will first be discussed by the Grants Committee, and then presented to the full Council for final approval in executive session.
- Gift supporting this program will be solicited from Arts Council members on an Academic year basis. Funds will be deposited in an interest-bearing but non-endowment account.
- Funds will go to academic schools, departments, programs, and groups with faculty advisors as a first preference, but student groups may be considered if endorsed in advance by the appropriate academic department. Proposals should come through and be prioritized by the Department Chairs.
- Projects should be specific and substantive, with a direct impact on students. This is not intended as a “fix-it” or petty cash fund.
- Grant applications should be made for one-year projects.
- Applications for grants should be received by the posted deadline, usually one month in advance of a full Council meeting, to give the Committee time to research each project and make recommendations.
- These grants are intended to increase the visibility and influence of the Arts on Grounds. Proposals should look for ways to coordinate residencies and programs thematically or with scheduling in order to maximize their impact on students.
- The grants may be offered up to $10,000.
- Efforts will be made to diversify recipients so that grant funds can be distributed among several departments and units.
- The Arts Council Grant Proposal form needs to be filled out fully in order for a submission for an Arts Council grant to be considered. If your department or program received an Arts Council grant the previous year, you will also need to include the Arts Council Grant Report.
- Applications submitted without Arts Council Grant Report (if required) will not be considered for continued support in the upcoming cycle.
- By accepting Arts Council funds, you agree to provide the Arts Council, via the Vice Provost for the Arts office, with an Arts Council Grant Report, including relevant photos, prior to submitting a new grant request or directly following the completion of your project, if it extends past the Arts Council Grant Proposal deadline.
- The Arts Council contribution should be recognized in any printed materials (programs, CD liner notes, exhibition posters, etc.) resulting from grants. For projects wholly supported by an Arts Council grant, the phrase underwritten by the University of Virginia Arts Council is suggested; for partial funding, use the phrase supported by the University of Virginia Arts Council. Please be sure to include the Arts Council logo in your publications related to any Arts Council funded projects.
- No changes will be made to these guidelines, without discussion and approval from the Grants Committee.
Please contact Emma Terry, Programs & Communication Director for UVA Arts & Special Assistant to the Vice Provost for the Arts, with any questions or concerns. [Updated September 2018]