News production / podcasting internsUp to 8 students.

Live music tech / event production apprenticesUp to 10 students.

Interns for either program should be available to help 3-5 hours per week. No previous experience is required, though it doesn’t hurt. These are two separate internship programs at WTJU, though there’s no reason a student couldn’t apply for and participate in both.

These are unpaid internships. There might be an option for independent study course credit, but not guaranteed.

Questions? Want to apply?

Send an email to me ([email protected]) and Lewis Reining ([email protected]). Include a resume and a short explanation of why you’re interested.

We’re glad to teach you tech skills. The main requirements for these internships are that you are dependable and genuinely curious.

More about each internship program:

=== News production / podcasting internships ===

About WTJU news productions:

Starting in January, WTJU will be producing three separate news products —

  1. Short (1.5 minute), daily news segments that air each weekday at 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  2. 30-minute weekly local news magazine called Charlottesville Soundboard. Publishes as a podcast on Fridays, airs Saturdays 6 a.m.
  3. 20-30 minute weekly state news & politics magazine called Bold Dominion. Publishes as a podcast on Tuesday mornings.

Interns will do the following:

  • Record & edit intros for short daily news segments.
  • Assist with weekly interviews with local and state journalists in a “week-in-review” format.
  • Assist with feature production and other local & state interviews.
  • Publish the weekly podcast to WTJU’s podcast platform and on-air automation system.
  • Develop content for web and social media: summary transcripts, audiograms (short promotional videos), images, and other content
  • Assist with other WTJU spoken word based programming and projects


=== Live music tech / event production apprentices ===

About WTJU live music events:

During the spring semester, WTJU will produce the following live music events from our stage at 2244 Ivy Road —

  1. One-hour live music broadcast (Offbeat Roadhouse), every Friday 8 – 9 p.m.
  2. ~90 minute live music performance (Musical Commons), most Tuesdays starting 8 p.m. Recorded but not usually aired live.
  3. Other one-off music performances throughout the week, aired live on WTJU at various times.

Students chosen for this program will gain hands-on training with senior live sound engineers on a weekly basis. Skills covered will include:

  • Stage setup and microphones
  • PA systems & amplification
  • Mixing audio for both room and broadcast
  • Live streaming video production and post-production
  • Event production, logistics, and booking
  • Event marketing & promotion

Students who successfully complete the apprenticeship program are eligible to seek WTJU Sound Tech certification. Certified sound techs can be hired on a per-event basis to independently run sound and produce events.