Virginia Curiosity Shop by Mark Dion
The Virginia Curiosity Shop is a large-scale temporary public artwork on the Betsy and John Casteen Arts Grounds whose plain exterior is contrasted by a visual feast viewed from outside-in –a seemingly haphazard antique shop-style display of incongruous and marvelous items spread across cupboards, shelves, tabletops, pedestals and trunks. April 2017 – present.
Kings of Freedom
The Berlin Wall at UVA was made possible by Robert & MeiLi Hefner & the Hefner Collection. Four panels of the Berlin Wall, measuring a total of 16 feet in length and 12 feet in height and weighing more than 8,000 pounds, installed on the quad adjacent to Alderman Library and the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library.
Kings of Freedom © 2014 The Hefner Collection, LLC
The Student's Progress by Lincoln Perry
Lincoln Perry, one of America’s foremost figure artists, painted the work in the tradition of mural painting that relates to the surrounding architecture. The narrative depicts a student, Shannon, as she enters the University, follows her through a journey of self-discovery in her pursuit of knowledge and concludes with her graduation. Permanent Installation
Poetry Walk
American artist and scholar Agnes Denes brings the past, present and future together, commemorating the millennium and the area’s rich heritage in the permanent art installation, “Poetry Walk,” near Brooks Hall, covering about 520 feet bordering on University Avenue. Permanent Installation
Icarus by Gutzon Borglum
Gutzon Borglum carved the statue in 1919 to commemorate, James Rogers McConnell, a UVA alumnus (class of 1908) who was shot down over France during World War I. Permanent Installation
Patrick Dougherty's On the Fly
In October 2013, Patrick Dougherty, world-renowned for his larger-than-life, site-specific sculptures made of locally harvested twigs and saplings, created a unique work of art in front of the Ruth Caplin Theatre and the Arts Commons, the latest additions to the Betsy and John Casteen Arts Grounds. On view October 2013-August 2016
Moth Cinema
Moth Cinema, as imagined by Natalie Jeremijenko and located on Arts Grounds, displays the presence of moths, other nocturnal insects and our success in creating healthy habitat for these valuable pollinators and for ourselves. The moth habitat contains tasty provisions, host and nectar plants to change the moth-hostile light-polluted urban environments we live in. On view 2013-2017